Monday, January 27, 2014

World Coolest Place Addressing

Stanly, Idaho, United States
United States Idaho 209  kilometers away when the city is one of the coldest place. are stanly this region is one of the more side-by-side temperature record. is created, it is most days of the year 2005 from the 1995 winter was here, the sky's transparent mountain range and the great white. "there are Stanly part of the forest is there tooth 3, ০৪৮ meter has been taking the temperature of the high mountain flower here.-52.6 degrees Fahrenheit/-47 degree Celsius.

Prospect, Creek, Alaska
A small reading area except the North Fairbank 290 prospect is located in the Creek where kilometers. The United States of the check of the mines here is an underground pipe line here.. Completed working line pipe in 1977, on the way from. Don't have oil supply the lowest temperature of the United States  recorded in the month of January, 1971 the temperature here has been recorded is-80 degree Fahrenheit/-62 degrees Celsius of underground oil pipe with cold place. line pipe although with oil but is not as 10 centimeters because of ice on the heat insulation of oil supply through the pipe create glass fiber is being compared to the cold temperature for any that are not.

Snag, Canada
The name of a place in the island of ukon North America snag in river wake up to see as you have white. A village snag ঝর্ণা স্ক্যান্ডেনেভিয়ান স্নাগ. ইউকোন ঝর্ণার language, the meaning of which the name of the island in 1898. is snag.
In 1947 when the coldest temperature recorded in the book of communities from eight people there if the ten from the people and have started increasing the  emergency landing on and  is a weather office set up the 15th 20. community radio station broadcasting the news of weather from a man that that there is flying.

ইয়াকুতস Yakut’s, Siberia সাইবেরিয়া
ইয়াকুতস is the Russian Republic of ইয়াকুতিয়ার, the capital city of one of the coldest সাইবেরিয়ার..(liana) লিনা  the West Bank of the river  and in its terrible here is winter.. বরফজমা with people on the river creates a germ, product, পারিবহন the road. they use it as a winter roadThe city of ইয়াকুতস in ১৮২২. was established. one of the main administrative, industrial, it is literature and culture practice and research for কেন্দ পারিণত ইয়াকুতস ভয়াবহতার local রূপকথায়. in winter can be found in the description of the God of the creation of the trust after the creation of the man they think.

 He said that a lot of people need to take in the sky with assets.  fly out to them in the different distribution of the world became a victim of winter in the sky he cannot fly cannot fly. ইয়াকুতিয়ার. gradually winter movements so more and more, his hand on the man who fell down all the assets and the El from the natural resources are rich yakutia an area.

Omiakon ওমিয়াকন, Siberia সাইবেরিয়া
সাইবেরিয়ার ওমিয়াকন is the world's coldest permanent one threatened species there are many villages in the region of 350,000 kilometers to go in the Arctic.. There is live almost 2 million 10 thousand degree Fahrenheit/tenant when তাপমাত্র-.-52 degree comes down সেলসিয়াসে celcious ওমিয়াকনের educational institutions are closed, so only people ওমিয়াকনের BBC News. out of the House if that is possible, there was one with car.

 only then they are out in the news, Or ওমিয়াকনদের can be seen in ইয়াকুতসসহ and ভারখোইয়াঙ্কস is not a specific region which was called ' ডেথরিং স্ট্যালিনস ' before because it was a place to রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহীদের in the Soviet Union.
ভোস্তক(vostok), Antarctica
This place is 3, 500 meters from the  ocean. Vostok( ভোস্তক) is one of the most in the world are coldest place. 21 July in 1983, was the lowest recorded temperature is-128.56 degrees Fahrenheit/-89.2 degrees Celsius.

 On the East side of South জিওম্যাগনেটিক  Antarctica in ইলেক্ট্রোম্যাগনেটিক in the world in near field length of which there is a Lake, is situated 250 km and width of 50 kilometers around the lack. 4 km will be in tension, below is Rusia. A research on the world's other space than. known of the scientists come here with part of the clitoris. Russia, France and the American joint effort, there is an initial project to drill user has been here with the help of 3 metres at a time, as in the past from this sample in digging. level of 5 million per year, will know that the idea of scientist information heavy coolest  ভোস্তকে there is little in temperature.. Antarctica strategic desert due to a low of 25 years of his life here.

world's longest cave

পৃথিবীর দীর্ঘতম গুহা ‘সন ডং’

গুহা নিয়ে আছে ভয়, আছে আনন্দ জয়ের। প্রথম সন ডংয়ের ভেতরে প্রবেশ করা ব্রিটিশ গুহা রিসার্চ অ্যাসোসিয়েশনের অভিযান সদস্য এডাম স্পিলেনই গুহাটি সম্পর্কে তথ্য দিয়েছেনপৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে দীর্ঘ গুহার সন্ধান পাওয়া গেছে ভিয়েতনামের জঙ্গলে সন ডং নামের এই গুহাটির বেশিরভাগ জায়গাই ২৬২ ফুট উঁচু এবং চওড়া। এর আগে সন্ধান পাওয়া মালয়েশিয়ায় অবস্থিতডিয়ার কেভসবচেয়ে বড় গুহা । ওই গুহাটি বর্নিও দ্বীপের অংশ। ডিয়ার কেভের বেশিরভাগ জায়গাই ৩০০ ফুট উঁচু এবং চওড়া এবং গুহাটি এক মাইল লম্বা। কিন্তু সন ডংয়ের ভেতর দিয়ে দশমিক মাইল হাঁটার পর অভিযাত্রীরা মৌসুমী বন্যার পানিতে আটকে যান। সেই হিসেবে সন্ধান পাওয়া গুহাগুলোর মধ্যে এটাই পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে দীর্ঘতম গুহা।
world's longest cave

Most of the world has been found to take the long cave of Vietnam. Most of this name  Dong calendar 262 feet high and wide, to know the  record. before that, the biggest found in the field of 'Dear cave’ ' Malaysia dear Borneo cave part of the island that is situated most of the 300 feet high and  wide one mile long, but through Dong calendar 2 decimal 8 miles walking the flood go to hang the pots were the tourist after this period as caves found. It is notable that most of the first long to enter into the inside Dong calendar., the British Cave Research Association has information about the গুহাটি স্পিলেনই এডাম a member of the mission.